Hi dears, I hope you didnt forget about me, I am still alive! :D I have many news in my life, I succesfully finished my grammar school (gymnasium) and I decided not to go in any university this year, because I still didnt make up a decision what I would love to study. At first I wanted to go on school of arts and study fashion designing because I love to create and sew my own clothes but I am very sure I would hate all of it later because I would HAVE TO do it, and I dont want it to happen, I still want to create new clothes with joy and so I think it would be better for me if sewing,drawing and all those stuff will stay just as my hobby. :) I realised I want to be helpful for others in my life and thats why I am thinking about phylosophy or something like that. Nooow the biggest new.... I moved in UK! :D I didnt know what to do with whole year without school and I didnt want to waste time just laying around and doing nothing, so whem my mums colleague called from UK that in pub where she was working during the summer they need someone as soon as possible, I couldnt say no! I wanted to go abroad, but it actually all happened very quickly. I had two, yes just TWO days to book a flight, pack everything I wanted to take with me, meet with all people I wanted to say goodbye to and then start the new journey in my life absolutely alone. It was my first time flying on airplane so I was little scared at first, but I have to say it was just AMAZING :O I loved all the clouds and brightness of the sun trying to find its way to go trought them, it looked like a different world or a fairy tale, so I was daily dreaming the whole time haha :D So thats it, now I am in UK and I love it here. I can tell you more informations some other time, but now, its time for you to see all the new lolita clothes I ordered since august :3 (because I took just 2 lolita dresses with me, of course I needed to buy new clothes haha :P) LETS START, WUHUUU ^_^ !!!
1. Angelic pretty, Chocolate polkadot OP in pink
2. Victorian maiden Pink bustle OP
3. Baby the stars shine bright, Velour tiered Jsk in navy
4. Angelic pretty, Cherry berry bunny OP in sax (my dreamdress! <3)
5. Angelic pretty, Cherry berry bunny Jsk in black + headbow
6. Angelic pretty, Happy garden Jsk in lavender
7. Baby the stars shine bright, Gingham rose ribbon OP in mint (another dreamdress!)
8. Metamorphose, oldschool OP in black
9. Bodyline, floral OP
11. Bodyline, Antique clock OP in grey (I already own green)
1. Innocent world, Pompadour skirt in cream
1. Baby the stars shine bright blouse in white
2. Baby the stars shine bright cardigan in pink (photo is not mine)
3. Angelic pretty cardigan in pink
4. Bodyline cardigan in blue (photo is not mine)
1. Bodyline shoes in pink
2. Bodyline shoes in white (photo is not mine)
3. Secret shop shoes in navy
4. Bodyline shoes in black
5. Bodyline shoes in blue
1. Angelic pretty bloomers
2. Baby the stars shine bright parasol in pink (photo is not mine)
3. Metamorphose bag in black (photo is not mine)
4. offbrand tights in green/beige
5. offbrand tights in pink
6. offbrand tights in black
8. Angelic pretty, Lyrical bunny bracelet and ring set
9. Angelic pretty, Crystal toilette neclace
10. offbrand cherry hairclips
uhhh soo many things :O :D I plan on doing video when all the things will come, so then I will share with you ^_^
I hope you enojyed it and hopefully see you soon <3 Thank you for reading and your comments ^_^