Hello everyone :)) , my name is Salome. I am trying to be lolita (i cant tell, that I trully am) , and this blog will be about lolitas and another japanese fashion styles , my sewing and drawing work and about some stuff I like :) . I want to tell, that my english is not too good, but I will try my best to write everything correctly. hope you will like this blog :)
This is photo of my first lolita coordination. Yay :D But back then I didnt own any lolita shoes so it looks little strange with this black one :D
dress, bow, wristcuffs: dream of lolita (replica of angelic pretty Milky-chan dress)
panda bag: handmade
accesories: ebay
shoes: offbrand
Až pred chvíľou som si všmila, že ma cez ten Google connect sleduje ktosi nový a potom pozerám, jéééj, Sali (ak ťa môžem tam familiárne osloviť :D) bloguje! Tak vitaj medzi nami, blogermi a dúfam, že sa ti bude blogovo dariť :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťďakujem :D :) , snáď to dáko pôjde :D