and now, the films:
1. Kamikaze girls - I think that most of lolitas know this film, I watched it at least five times xDDD .. It is funny, sometimes maybe too much, but still really good for a comfort evening :) ,, If you didnt watch it and you like funny and also nice story about two friends with reaally diferent styles and characters, ou should watch it :D . oh, and main feature is wearing dresses and stuff from Baby, the stars shine bright.
2. Deka Wanko - funny serial about lolita who is somethink like inspector, and she has extremely great smell. I think I didnt like first part of firt episode too much, because I really didnt know what is that all about, but ist really pretty film. she helps to many people and ...... just watch it :D :D yeah , and actress is soo cute :))
... Wanko is wearing dresses from Angelic pretty, Bodyline, and maybe some another brands I dont know :)
,,, and it has many chapters, I think 11 or 12? I m not sure..,
3. Mister Rococo- it is just short movie I found on youtube :D ,, At the begining it was soo nice and cute, but the end was really surprising and that person who made it, mist have great but strange imagination :D :D .. I dont know,, I like it, but it is just sooooooooooo strange :D :D ,, hope that I will b not like her :D Kamii samaa tasuketeeeee!
she is wearing clothes from Baby
hmmm is that all???? really dont know if I didint forgot something :/ :D
never mind :D ,, ok, thats all, please coment, I will be very glad :)) ,, and, of course I hope you liked it :))
If you need links to any of this films, write me in coment and I put it here too :))
Kamikaze girls!!!to druhe vyzera zaujimavo *___*
OdpovedaťOdstrániť:D podla mna je to celkom dobre :D zas taky iny styl,, a navyse ta herecka je taka zlata :D :)
OdstrániťTa herecka je Tabe Mikako, a co som s nou videl par filmov a serialov tak bola skvela (Tsubasa, Kimi ni Todoke...)! S tym Deka Wanko ma strasne potesila :)