yesterday came my package from bodyline , I am soo happy :D . I ordered jsk, blouse and socks from Bl and bat tights from shop on ebay, so I show you ma haul and my first coord with new jsk :) :D I hope you will like it :)
the coord:
all I need to make is black bonnet, which will match this dress (the one on photo is turquis) (and sorry for bad photos of me, I dont have any make-up instead of mascara, so I look little strange :D :D )
Jsk, headbow, shoes, socks: Bodyline
Blouse, collar: offbrand
Bonnet: handmade
and now all of my order and details :
my cuute light blue blouse :))
and my supercool bat tights!! :D
I wanted to wear this coord for a haloween meet up, but I will probably wear different dress :D ,, hmm still not sure :D
thats all for today :D thank you for reading :)
cute! i love your dress
OdpovedaťOdstrániťmind to follow each other?
thank youu sweetie :)) followed :) :)
Odstrániť's so amazing!!! You look stunning in your outfit! So beautiful details! You have a great blog! I'd love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other? I promise I’ll follow you back <3
"Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"
thankiees :) :3 , your blog is pretty too :) followed you :)
OdstrániťThank you soooo much sweetie!!!! I want to follow you back, but I can't see your "GFC" widget ....could you please add it, or tell me what to do?
"Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"
oh, I dont know what you mean, but just copy this link and paste it into the icon Add :) :
I don't know which "icon" are you talking about! But what I meant, is if you can add the "google friend connect" widget on your side bar, like this one, click "HERE"
OdstrániťSo, I'll be able to click on "follow" button, and follow you ;)
"Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"
sorry, I am so unable in comuters :D :D I just dont know how to do it :((
OdstrániťTento komentár bol odstránený autorom.
Odstrániť bad :(
OdstrániťIt's weird, because you know how to add your profile, and your blog archive, above on your right side bar.
So, it is the same with the GFC, you have there the "followers members" option, to add...
Anyway, I added your blog link on the blogs I'm following ......can you see me among your followers?
"Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"
yeah, I can :) :)
Odstrániťwow! u are so gorgeous! and u have a nice blog! would u like to follow each other? i'll be very happy! =)
thank you soo much :) :) ,, OK , followed :)