photo from friday (21.9.) ,, I have just this one photo from that day, cause I totally forgot to take pictures :D
Jsk, bow: Baby, the stars shine bright ( it was my first lolita brand item ever! and I LOve that print so much :) :3 ,,, bow cant be seen it is on my hair)
Blouse, bunny, bracelets: Bodyline
Shoes: An-tai-na
Bag: (Deichman :D )
Tights: Takko (I think)
Wristcuffs: handmade
Pearl necklace, pearl bracelets: offbrand
oh, and I wear eylashes here :D my eyes looks so different! :D
with pretty cosplayers :))
from the left: Romča, Nexus, Beeeautiful cosplayer, me
walkiing :D
Romča (in the middle) is wearing dress I made for her, I was soo happy that she likes it :) :)
Bubble tea!!! Oishii desu :)
Nexus in action :D
:D :D scared loli
with my sweet Neko-chan :)
Lolitas In Terror :D
maybe new Slovak Lolis?? :))
with my cute loli girls :) ,, with Dada and Sysa
something like group photo :D .. but... wait... where is everyone?? :O :D
Gangnam lolis
and of course oppa gangnam style :D I smiled so much on this photo :D
Close up photo
and my outfit:
Apron skirt: Angelic pretty
Blouse, headbows: Bodyline
Socks: Secret Shop
Shoes: An-tai-na
Wristcuffs, bloomers: handmade
Pearl necklaces, pearl bracelets, small bows, hell kitty ring: offbrand
I want to thank for photos :) ,,
Aaand, what I bought:
Beautiful white headdress Dada made :) thank you :))Hello kitty earphone
cute IW socks with puppy I bought from Sysa :) thank you too :))
and just some little things, one of them is this poster with my favourite anime character Chi :)
I hope you liked it, please comment I will be grateful to you :) :)
Škoda, že sa nepodarilo aj také dáke echt skupinové fotenie ako minule na... Anime SHOW to bola? :D To je prosto tým, že Naty bola iba v sobotu a nie ako loli, tak nás nemal kto riadne zorganizovať :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťJúúú, boboq má tuším nové... viečka :D Ja som naň minule nahuckala kamošky, ale teda, vôbec nemajú zmysel pre boboq! :D Nechápem, ako je to možné, keď je bubble tea taký super! :D
veru aj ja lutujem že spoločnú všetci nemáme :/ ale tak nevadí nabudúce :)) ,, ja som mala bubble tea prvý krát na nasom stretku a len lutujem ze aj v nasom meste ho nemame riadne dobre to je :)) aké zlaté ze boboq :D :))
Odstrániťaww zavidim ti tu fotku s alienom <3 :D a perfektne HK sluchadla ^^
OdpovedaťOdstrániťteee aj ja som za tu fotku rada ,, dakujeem :)) aj sa s nimi dobre pocuva :)
Odstrániťcute *-*
OdpovedaťOdstrániťthankiees ^^
OdstrániťNádherné šaty :3 Som ťa tam tuším videla...
OdpovedaťOdstrániťPekné to spomienky na ComicSalón~
ďakujem :) ,, je to možné :) :D