my photos from today :
And just my very casual lolita outfit from friday, cause I had a perfomance , when I sang three beautiful classical songs, but as always, I dont have any video from there :( (the names of songs: first and secon in Italin language : O cessate di piagarmi.,, Nina., and one song in slovak language- V našom dvore na javore ,, which is veeery beautiful and sad song ) :D :) ,,, nd sorry. lithing is really bad :/
shoes: Deichman
skirt: Handmade by me
hope you like it, please comment and follow me, I will be very gratefull :) :) ^^ ,, nice day! :)
Oh my God, it seems to snow everywhere but not in my city... but I am quite happy about that. I don't like winter as much as summer, too. It's too cold :D But the pictures you took are quite beautiful.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťyeah, the snow looks pretty, but thats the only positive thing I can find on winter :D ,, thank youuu I am happy that you like them :) ^^
OdstrániťIn our town isn't snow yet. In Brno is just cold and it's raining all the time. And you look really pretty :-)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťhere in Ružomberok was falling snow for the first time this year :) but I hope that it will be a little warmer for a few days :) ,, thank youu :)
Odstrániťawesome :o
thanks darling ^^
OdstrániťFíha, krásne máte nasnežené, u nás tiež už snežilo, ale len taký chabý poprašok bol ráno a hneď aj pošiel... :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťtiež som dúfala, že to len tak pár vločiek popadá a roztopia sa, ale už je celkom hrubá vrstva snehu a mrazí tu :D už sa teším na leto :) :D
Odstrániťoo ty tiez spievas operu???ked vidim to o cessate di piagarmi :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťano ano,, kedysi som spievala moderné, ale prešla som na falzet a klasické/ operné pesničky :)